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8-bit Terror (Not on the current agenda)

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8-bit Terror (Not on the current agenda) Empty 8-bit Terror (Not on the current agenda)

Post  Brain Burner Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:22 pm

Still in the 8-bit realms; the twins still scour the lands about to find a source of power strong enough to bring them back to the real world. Along the way vicious beings are continuing to spawn on the maps. Surely this was the being of a virus. Surely that was not the case...
Eventually the twins found yet another Eternity Stone, but it was devoured by yet another Feeder. “You things are really starting to get on my nerves!” The twins yell in anger. The creature transforms into an 8-bit blob that could morph into anything...
Trope used: 8-bit/All
Mood of stage: 8-bit/serious
Gimmicks used: The tropes during the boss fight switch after it takes damage.
Name: 8-bit virus
Special attributes: Capable of changing the trope of the stage at any moment after it takes damage.
Weak Point: Unknown unless the trope changes. A flash of light will indicate the weak point.
Regular attributes: Capable of shooting multiple types of projectiles at the twins. It can also unleash a sludge that can instantly stop the player from progressing.

Pinch Mode (Boss fight phase 2)
Special Attributes: The tropes will mesh together, making progression much more difficult.
(The virus will transform into a mirrored version of the character the player is playing as at the end of the stage and you will be forced to fight it. Whatever attack is done, the Virus will mirror that attack. Only one difference is that a single hit can cause the energy gauge to drop massively.)

Brain Burner

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Join date : 2012-08-23

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